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The 15th Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum Held (Summary of the Results) December 27, 2021

The official Publications  the Government of Japan
The 15th Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum Held (Summary of the Results)
December 27, 2021

1. Summarized results of the forum
The 15th Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum was held on December 26 (Sun.), 2021. Due to the impact of COVID-19, it was held online this year, the same as last year. The event was attended by some 700 stakeholders from both the public and private sectors, including: Minister Hagiuda, Mr. Yamaguchi Tsuyoshi (Minister of the Environment), and Mr. Muneoka Shoji (Chairman of the Japan-China Economic Association), and other officials as representatives of Japan; and Chairman He Lifeng of the NDRC, H.E. Mr. Ren Hongbin (Vice Minister of Commerce), H.E. Mr. Kong Xuanyou (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China), and other officials as representatives of China.

Memorandums for establishment of 11 new cooperation projects were exchanged at the forum (see the Appendix). With these exchanges, the number of such projects has come to 413 since the inauguration of the forum in 2006.

At the plenary session, Minister Hagiuda stated that this forum should focus on ""diverse paths to becoming carbon neutral and Japan-China cooperation"" and explained Japan's efforts toward carbon neutrality. At the same time, he expressed the importance of Japan-China cooperation toward solving common issues, such as facilitation of smooth energy transition. He also presented the concrete progress of Japan-China cooperation in the fields of hydrogen and energy conservation, and expressed his hope for further expansion.

Furthermore, the forum provided four sessions titled improvement of energy efficiency (energy conservation),introduction of electrified and smarter vehicles, hydrogen and clean electricity, and Japan-China long-term trading (water environment management and sludge disposal), and representatives of the public sectors, major companies and other organizations from Japan and China exchanged views at the sessions.


Global Warming Prevention Headquarters September 3, 2021

The Prime Minister in Action
Global Warming Prevention Headquarters
September 3, 2021

On September 3, 2021, the Prime Minister held the 47th meeting of the Global Warming Prevention Headquarters at the Prime Minister’s Office.

At the meeting, the participants engaged in discussions on the draft Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures and the draft Long-Term Strategy under the Paris Agreement and other matters.

Following the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
 “Today, we compiled government drafts of our Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures and our Long-Term Strategy under the Paris Agreement, among others.
As shown in torrential rains, record heat waves, and other weather events, climate change has become a global issue. Facing this squarely and regarding global warming countermeasures as what will serve as a catalyst for new investments and innovation, rather than restrictions on economic activities – with this mindset, we decided on the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. In addition, we made the decision to seek a 46 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by fiscal year 2030 and continue to strive in the challenge to aim at the goal of cutting emissions by 50 percent.
Concrete measures to realize these goals and our course of action have been compiled in our Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures and our long-term strategy.
The first is the principle of giving the highest priority to renewable energy. We will accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by designating promotion zones across the country, among other measures.
The second is thorough energy saving. For instance, we will expand the scope of housing and other buildings that are required to meet energy-saving standards.
The third is decarbonization of local communities and transformation of lifestyles. We will discover preceding examples in local communities to encourage positive action toward decarbonization in food, clothing, and housing as well as transportation.
From now, we will work to have the Government take a decision in the autumn, after hearing the views of members of the public. The COP26 (26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) will convene from the end of October. We will demonstrate Japan’s concrete actions to the world, and we will involve emerging powers as we lead the world toward decarbonization and sustainable growth.

Unmasking the Role of Coral Reefs and the Threats They Face

Education and Awareness: Expand global understanding and knowledge about the crucial role of coral reefs and the severe threats they face.

Delve deeper into the pivotal role of coral reefs in our global ecosystem and comprehend the existential threats they're currently facing.

As we observe the wonders of Mother Nature, every element seems to hold a significant role in the harmony of our planet. Among these elements, coral reefs, aptly known as the rainforests of the sea, are particularly important. But why is there a need for education and awareness about coral reefs? And what are the threats undermining their survival?

Coral reefs, while covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, are home to approximately 25% of all marine life. This alone underscores their significance. They are a hub of biodiversity, acting as nurseries for multiple species of fish and other marine organisms.

But the role of coral reefs doesn't end here. They play a key part in local economies thanks to fisheries and tourism, provide a natural barrier protecting coastlines from storms and erosion, and even have a role in medicine, with potential remedies for a range of diseases.

Isn't it remarkable how one ecosystem can contribute so profoundly to life - both undersea and on land?

The Severe Threats Coral Reefs Face
Despite their importance, coral reefs around the world are under severe threat. Climate change, for instance, leads to ocean acidification and abnormal temperature patterns which, in turn, harm the reefs. Moreover, pollution, overfishing, and harmful practices like blast fishing add to this cocktail of threats, causing reefs to lose their vibrant color and life.

But is there something we could do to preserve these natural wonders?

The Need for Action
Despite the grim panorama, hope is not lost. Education and awareness can catalyze a global shift in attitudes, leading to the preservation and recovery of these delicate ecosystems. Understanding the importance of coral reefs and the threats they face is a crucial first step towards becoming better stewards of our environment.

Remember, we all reside in this vibrant, interconnected biosphere. From the smallest plankton to the tallest trees, every bit of life contributes to maintaining the balance of our planet. It's time we returned the favor and safeguarded the beings that safeguard us.
The question now is, are you ready to play your part?

There's no denying the importance of coral reefs, nor the dire threats they face. However, through education and awareness, we can bring about change. Remember, each one of us holds the potential to make a difference. Let's ensure that our future generations get to witness the spectacular marvel that is a coral reef, brimming with life.

This is more than just about preserving a type of marine ecosystem; it's about respecting the earth, preserving biodiversity, and securing a sustainable future for us all.

So, what's your next step to foster a deeper understanding and awareness of coral reefs?


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