Field Study Vietnam


Vietnam and the Angkor Wat

The Angkor Wat temple complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia, is one of the most impressive sites in Southeast Asia. Dating back to the 12th century, the temple complex was built as a Hindu temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. The Angkor Wat complex has become a symbol of Cambodian and even regional identity, and is a popular tourist destination for visitors from around the world. Another country, however, that has a close connection to the Angkor Wat site is Vietnam.

Vietnam and Cambodia have a long and intertwined history. During the period of the Khmer Empire, which lasted from 802 to 1432, the two countries were trading partners. The ruler of the Khmer Empire at the time, Jayavarman VII, was deeply influenced by Hinduism. He constructed the Angkor Wat complex as a temple to Vishnu in 1150. Vietnam and Cambodia also had a long cultural exchange, with Cambodians learning about Buddhism and Vietnamese were influenced by the Hinduism of the Cambodians.

It is perhaps unsurprising that Vietnam’s attachment to the Angkor Wat site goes far beyond just trade and cultural exchange. In fact, during the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese forces actually captured the Angkor Wat temple complex and used it as their base of operations in Cambodia. Although the North Vietnamese forces were eventually driven out by the combined forces of the South Vietnamese and the US, the legacy of this period is still remembered by the people of both countries.

Today, Vietnam and Cambodia have established diplomatic ties and collaborate on various projects. One of the projects that the two countries worked together on was the restoration of the Angkor Wat site. The Vietnamese government sent a team of experts to help restore and preserve the large complex, and together with the Cambodian government, the two countries managed to restore the temple complex to its former glory.

Although Vietnam and Cambodia have had a long and sometimes turbulent history, they have managed to find common ground in preserving the Angkor Wat site. The two countries have cooperated on efforts to restore the complex and in doing so have not only forged stronger ties between their peoples, but also kept alive an important part of Southeast Asian heritage.

Historical Significance of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat, located in Siem Reap, Cambodia, is one of the most impressive ancient sites in the world and a powerful symbol of the former Khmer Empire. The impressive temple complex was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century and is the largest of all the Khmer monuments. Angkor Wat is a remarkable example of the grandeur and achievement of the Khmer Empire and a reminder to the world today of the power of human creativity.

Built in dedication to the Hindu God Vishnu, Angkor Wat is an impressive architectural feat. It has three tiers, adorned with sculptures, bas-reliefs, and carvings depicting battles and stories of Hindu epics. The topmost tier is a sanctuary dedicated to Vishnu with a central tower reaching nearly 65 meters tall, while the outer walls span nearly one and a half kilometers. All of this was constructed from stone without the use of mortar or any other binding agents.

Beyond its impressive architecture, Angkor Wat’s historical significance lies in the fact that it exemplifies the power and influence of the Khmer Empire. As one of the most powerful empires in Southeast Asia, the Khmer used Angkor Wat to demonstrate their rank and prosperity, showcasing their skill and success. In fact, it remained the largest pre-industrial city in the world for several centuries and is still the largest archaeological site in the world today.

In addition, the Khmer Empire also played an important role in trade and cultural exchange in the region. Their unique style of art and architecture became very influential in the region, and Angkor Wat stands out as one of the primary examples of this influence. The lavish decoration of Angkor Wat and its spires encapsulates the regality of the Khmer era and is also indicative of the influence of Indian culture in Southeast Asia during this time.

Today, Angkor Wat draws visitors from around the world and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is an unforgettable reminder of Cambodia’s rich history and culture, the legacy of the Khmer Empire, and the power of human creativity. Its beauty and grandeur, both inside and outside of the temple complex, will remain an awe-inspiring testament to the significance of Angkor Wat for centuries to come.

Khmer Civilizations at Angkor Wat
The Khmer civilization at Angkor Wat is an impressive feat of ancient history and engineering that reveals the sophistication of the Khmer people. From the 9th-15th centuries CE, the Khmer Empire was powerful in Southeast Asia, producing magnificent temples, palaces, and canals throughout the region. Angkor Wat, located in modern-day Cambodia, was the largest and most significant of these constructions, and stands today as a testament to the grandeur and creativity of the Khmer people.

The name Angkor Wat, meaning “city temple”, is attributed to the gigantic religious center that looms over the surroundings. The complex was built at the behest of King Suryavarman II, and was dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. It is one of the oldest and most incredible monuments found in the world, and it was used for both religious and political ceremonies. The temple is laid out in three distinct areas in a stepped pyramid formation. The first two units form a square, with galleries, libraries, courtyards, and other structures, while the third and ornate unit is a tower filled with Hindu carvings and statues. The grandeur and beauty of the complex draw millions of visitors to this day.

The most incredible aspect of the Khmer civilization at Angkor Wat is perhaps the use of water. Kings carefully engineered their temples to utilize the flooding of the nearby Tonle Sap Lake, which fed into a sprawling network of canals and reservoirs, offering a vital source of water for agriculture, and supplying the city's water needs. The implementation of such an efficient and complex system is remarkable given the era in which the Khmer civilization lived.

The Khmer civilization at Angkor Wat is a testament to the brilliance of its people. Hundreds of years later, the structures of Angkor Wat still stand as a reminder of a once-powerful and sophisticated kingdom. The complex offers a unique opportunity to study the architecture and engineering of a people that has long since passed. Moreover, itallows us to appreciate the beauty of this incredible cultural legacy.

Architecture and Art at Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world, located in Cambodia. It remains an iconic representation of the Khmer Empire and is one of the most popular destinations for travelers visiting Southeast Asia. It has often been referred to as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’ due to its sheer grandeur and the intricate detail and skill that was used in its construction. The building of Angkor Wat was a feat of remarkable engineering and showcases the sophisticated artwork that was prevalent in the Khmer Empire.

Angkor Wat’s construction began in the early 12th century and was designed to be a tribute to the Hindu god Vishnu. Its wall stands 3 metres high and encloses a large area of terrain and features galleries carved with intricate reliefs. At its centre stands the famous Angkor Wat temple dedicated to Vishnu, an edifice full of intricate and highly symbolic features. The temple stands in perfect harmony with the nearby mountains, their silhouettes dominating the skyline, while the biggest attraction of Angkor Wat lies in its beautiful architecture. The monument is a huge complex of structures, built in five levels, and featuring a multitude of different architectural styles, including pyramidal towers, galleries, courtyards and libraries, all built according to exact specifications.

The artwork found at Angkor Wat is of the highest quality, displaying a mastery of artwork which was centuries ahead of its time. The intricate carvings found on the walls feature an array of Hindu mythology, as well as scenes of everyday life in the Khmer Empire. The artwork which can be found inside the temple is particularly spectacular, including a series of beautiful bas-reliefs that depict intricate scenes of battles, kings, celestial figures and spiritual beings from Hindu mythology.

Angkor Wat is an important example of the combination of art and architecture which was typical in the Khmer Empire. The skillful mixture of different styles and techniques has resulted in a stunning display of art that is both complex and captivating. In addition to its unique aesthetic, Angkor Wat also stands as a reminder of the grandeur and sophistication of the Khmer civilization. Its architecture and artwork are a testament to the power of the Khmer Empire and its legacy will continue to captivate people for many years to come.

Conservation and Restoration Efforts at Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is an immensely significant world heritage site in the Kingdom of Cambodia. It is one of the country’s most iconic tourist attractions, and for good reason – it is the largest religious monument in the world, dating all the way back to the 12th century CE. The site itself features an array of stunning intricately carved stone temples and a lush green garden surrounding the perimeter, making it a beautiful and awe-inspiring location.

Despite its immense popularity, the Angkor Wat complex has not been without its issues. Throughout the years, exposure to the elements has caused damage and deterioration to the many structures and decorations. Over the years, it has been necessary to take important conservation and restoration efforts in order to protect and preserve the integrity of the site.

These efforts have taken many forms over the years, but the most impressive have been the projects that have focused on the restoration of the original materials and structures. Conservationists and restoration professionals have worked tirelessly to reverse the damage done by the passage of time. In 2002, the foundation of a chapel could be seen and by 2013, it had been fully restored. In 2014, the gallery of 1000 Buddhas was also restored. Core conservation efforts also involve the cleaning and re-consolidation of ancient material; in 2006, the West Prasat was subject to a handmade cleaning project.

In addition to these efforts, Angkor Wat also sees the yearly participation of volunteers who support and promote its conservation and restoration work. Every year, the Angkor Wat Conservation and Restoration Project organizes ‘volunteer days’ which allow people from all over the world to come together and contribute to the restoration process. Volunteers are able to actively participate in the clean-up, repair, or the preservation of the temples and monuments in the complex.

These restoration and conservation efforts at Angkor Wat are absolutely vital for the site’s continued success and protection. Without the dedicated work of conservationists, restoration professionals, and volunteers, the many temples and structures of this incredible 12th century legacy would continue to deteriorate and eventually disappear all together. Luckily, enough awareness has been raised to ensure that the wonders of Angkor Wat will be admired for generations to come.


Bean Homestay (Đậu Đậu Homestay)

Vietnam is an enchanting country situated in Southeast Asia, known for its stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm-hearted people. As a graduate student, I had the remarkable opportunity to embark on a field study in Bean Homestay, an extraordinary village located in the northern mountains of Vietnam. This experience allowed me to immerse myself in the local culture, gain valuable insights into the lives of the ethnic minority villagers, and conduct academic research on sustainable tourism development.

Inspirational Architecture
Bean Homestay (Đậu Đậu Homestay)
Address Quan Lan, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
Rate Average 26 USD
The intelligence and comprehension of a graduate school student come into play when delving deeper into the intricate aspects of the Bean Homestay field study. It requires the ability to critically analyze the existing research on sustainable tourism, evaluate its suitability in the context of the village, and propose innovative solutions for the betterment of the community. Moreover, as a graduate student, I am equipped with the skills to conduct rigorous data collection and analysis for my research, ensuring its validity and reliability

One of the key aims of the Bean Homestay field study was to comprehend the impact of tourism on the village and its people. By engaging in conversations with the locals, attending community events, and observing tourism activities, I was able to gain a comprehensive understanding of how tourism has transformed their lives and the village itself. Graduate school provides a platform for developing critical thinking abilities, allowing me to critically assess the socio-economic changes brought about by tourism and identify any potential negative consequences.

Furthermore, the comprehension skills acquired as a graduate student allowed me to delve deeper into the complexities of sustainable tourism development. I was able to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing policies and practices implemented in Bean Homestay, assessing their alignment with the principles of environmental conservation, social inclusivity, and economic sustainability. By drawing on my academic knowledge and utilizing analytical frameworks, I could identify gaps and propose recommendations to improve the effectiveness of sustainable tourism initiatives in the village.

In addition to my academic pursuits, my comprehension skills as a graduate student allowed me to appreciate the cultural richness of Bean Homestay and its people. By immersing myself in the daily life of the villagers, participating in traditional ceremonies, and learning about their customs and traditions, I gained a deep appreciation for their heritage. This allowed me to contextualize my academic research within the cultural framework of the community, ensuring that my recommendations for sustainable tourism were both culturally sensitive and respectful.

In conclusion, my field study in Bean Homestay, Vietnam, provided a rich and immersive experience that enhanced my intelligence and comprehension as a graduate school student. Through critical analysis, data collection, and cultural immersion, I was able to gain valuable insights into the impact of tourism on the village and propose recommendations for sustainable tourism development. This field study not only broadened my understanding of the field but also allowed me to contribute positively to the livelihoods of the local community. The opportunity to engage in such an enriching experience has certainly elevated my academic journey and prepared me for future research and career endeavors.


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